[LAU] Receiving multiple inputs over network uzing zita-n2j
2018-10-07 05:01:13 UTC
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to set a single laptop to receive two different inputs over
network from two other computers. So, there are two sender computers and one
receiver. I'm trying to use zita-njbridge.

On sender computers I run

sender1 $ zita-j2n --chan 1 5000
sender2 $ zita-j2n --chan 1 5001

And on receiver computer I try to run

receiver $ zita-n2j --chan 1 5000 --buff 65
receiver $ zita-n2j --chan 1 5001 --buff 65

And the second zita-n2j comand gives an error
"Address already in use"

I thought having two different port numbers for different senders would
allow me to run zita-n2j twice on the same computer, but apparently I was
wrong. Is there any possibility to do so?

I can also accept zita-njbridge alternatives as an answer. All I want to do
is to receive two (or more) sources over network on a single computer and
then mix them.

Sent from: http://linux-audio.4202.n7.nabble.com/linux-audio-user-f5.html
Fons Adriaensen
2018-10-07 09:20:27 UTC
Post by ahmethungari
receiver $ zita-n2j --chan 1 5000 --buff 65
receiver $ zita-n2j --chan 1 5001 --buff 65
And the second zita-n2j comand gives an error
"Address already in use"
I thought having two different port numbers for different senders would
allow me to run zita-n2j twice on the same computer, but apparently I was
wrong. Is there any possibility to do so?
Use 5002 as the second port number.

Zita-n2j actually opens two sockets, the second with the
given port number + 1. The second socket is not actually
used in the released version. I should probably remove
the code that creates it. The original use (in a version
I had at work) was to synchronise to the audio to an RTP
video stream.

2018-10-08 01:08:11 UTC
Thanks all,

Yes, you are both right, it is indeed working. I had not checked before
whether the port was in use or not.

Sent from: http://linux-audio.4202.n7.nabble.com/linux-audio-user-f5.html